When I travel in priestly clothing the usual reaction I experience is significantly different. If I am lucky I might hear a polite "hello, Father." Sometimes people avert their eyes or turn away. The most common response is distance and reserve. In today's culture and circumstances, strangers do not often stop and thank priests for their service.

A priest does not search for thanks or for praise from others; his source of strength is in the Lord. For me, to be a priest remains a humbling and enormously privileged experience. People invite the priest into the most personal and challenging moments of their lives, times of great joy and deep sorrow. Yet, while the life of a priest is profoundly fulfilling, there are some challenging and difficult times.

Your expressions of gratitude can encourage priests in good times and in challenging times. Think of the ways a priest may have touched your life recently: by officiating at the marriage of a family member, celebrating the baptism of a new grandchild, bringing the Holy Eucharist to a family member in a hospital or nursing home, teaching the faith to the next generation of young Catholics, witnessing faith and joy through the reverent celebration of Mass and the preaching of the Gospel in your parish. Many priests who have served you in the past continue to pray for you today. There is much to be grateful for in the service of our priests who offer their lives to lead everyone to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

Recently, as I was watching our excellent CatholicTV show "This Is the Day," I heard reference to a newly established website whose mission is to encourage priests in their ministry: www.EncouragePriests.org. I invite you to visit this website and to explore their suggestions on ways to express your gratitude to the priests who have generously served you and others in God's family.

The 13th century Dominican Meister Eckhardt wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." As we honor our veterans this week, and express our deep appreciation to them, we also thank those who selflessly serve us in the Church: priests, deacons, consecrated religious, lay ecclesial ministers, volunteer lay women and men. Our faith lives are enriched because of you! To those who serve our country and to those who serve our Church: thank you.

Father Erikson is Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese of Boston.