
Jun. 9 2017

Group seeks to spread missionary message

byPilot Staff

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Witnesses in Global Mission, a group of priests, brothers, sisters, and laity, is looking to share its members' knowledge and experience of social justice and missionary work with parishes, schools, and organizations throughout New England with talks and activities.

The goal of the group, which is currently only comprised of six members representing different religious orders and organizations, is to raise public consciousness by sharing diverse experiences and insights in loving and caring for the poor and the most vulnerable in societies around the world.

Formed in 2007 as the Mission Alliance, the group has been involved in number of events over the years. In 2008, the group hosted a Festival of Nations in the North End and was instrumental in re-establishing the Mission Sunday Mass, held annually at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, in cooperation with the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Archdiocese of Boston.

In collaboration with campus ministers, it has made presentations in middle and high schools, and has been present for social justice events on a number of college campuses, and exhibits at the social justice convocations of the Archdioceses of Boston and Hartford.

For more information on Witnesses in Global Mission, contact Father Rocco Puopolo, SX, at 508-429-2144 or by email at frrocco@xaverianmissionaries.org.