
Oct. 4 2019

From Cardinal Seán's blog


On Saturday, Sept. 21, Cardinal O'Malley visited St. Luke's Parish in Belmont to celebrate a Mass to mark the parish's centennial anniversary. Pilot photo/CardinalSeansBlog.org

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Last Friday, we had one of our regular cabinet meetings, which is a gathering with the heads of the departments of the Archdiocese of Boston to discuss the affairs of the archdiocese. Just as I do with other groups of consultors, such as the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, the Archdiocesan Finance Council, and the Presbyteral Council, we meet periodically to discuss pastoral challenges in the archdiocese, as well as our own programs and plans.

We are blessed to have very competent and talented people in our cabinet, who bring valuable ideas and suggestions to our meetings. These meetings also help to keep the various departments informed of what other offices and departments within the archdiocese are doing.

Capuchin Bishop Joaquim Ferreira Lopes

Also on Friday, I was visited by Capuchin Bishop Joaquim Ferreira Lopes, who recently retired as the bishop of Viana, a small diocese in Angola. He is a very interesting man whom I had met in the past at gatherings of Capuchin bishops, but this was his first visit to the States.

The bishop has a very interesting story. When he was a brother, before he was ordained a priest, he was sent to Angola as a missionary. He was ordained a priest there at a time that was very challenging -- they had been through two wars, sparked by the revolution in Portugal, and then the Civil War in Angola between Marxist forces and their opposition. He spent his whole life in the missions and was eventually made a bishop.

Then, he was sent to found a diocese, where there was practically nothing in the way of structure. He was aided by a group of Portuguese immigrants living in Bermuda who gave him extraordinary financial help to establish the diocese. He said he always wanted to visit these people and thank them personally. Well, many of these Portuguese have since relocated to Massachusetts and Rhode Island so, after he retired, he decided to come pay them a visit and thank them for all the support they give. Since he knew he was going to be close to Boston, he stopped by to visit me.

Centennial anniversary

On Saturday afternoon, I went to St. Luke's Parish in Belmont to celebrate a Mass to mark the parish's centennial anniversary. We were very happy to be joined by a number of priests, some of whom had been stationed there and others who were parishioners who were ordained from that parish.

It was a lovely celebration and, afterward, there was a very nice reception. A centenary is always a time to thank God for our history but also to recommit ourselves to our future, and I was very happy to join the parishioners for this important event.


On Sunday, I went to St. Elizabeth Parish in Milton for our annual Mass for sisters in the archdiocese who are celebrating their jubilees.

We are so grateful to have Sister Germana serving as our new delegate for religious. She has taken over for Sister Marian Batho, who served in that capacity so well for so long. Sister Germana addressed us at the beginning of Mass and, in my homily, I spoke to the sisters about the joys of religious life.

During the Mass, the jubilarians renewed their religious vows.

At the end of the Mass, we heard a very lovely reflection on religious life by Sister Peggy Sullivan, who works in our tribunal.

Afterward, we took photos with the jubilarians and then the parish very graciously hosted a dinner for the sisters in the parish hall.