
Oct. 30 2020

Obituary: Professor Thomas T. Howard, from Evangelical to Catholic, dies at 87

byFather Robert M. O'Grady Pilot Staff

Professor Thomas T. Howard Courtesy photo

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In 1985, at the age of 52, he entered into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. His faith journey began as a son of a solidly Evangelical Christian family and subsequent entry into the Episcopal Communion during his mid-20s.

Professor Thomas T. Howard died at a hospice in Beverly on Oct. 15, 2020. When he came into full communion in 1985, he found himself a bit of a man without a country, having previously been on the faculty at Gordon College (1970-1985), he relatively rapidly joined the faculty of St. John Seminary, Brighton, serving for the next 14 years.

His undergraduate and graduate education focused on English literature, with degrees from Wheaton College, his B.A.; University of Illinois, his M.A.; and a Ph.D. from NYU with a specialization in Medieval and Renaissance studies.

His extensive familiarity with a wide variety of literature made him a welcome professor and an equally welcoming host and welcome guest. As family and friends describe him, he was gracious, loving, and brilliant.

Professor Howard attributed his initial interest in Roman Catholicism to his familiarity with notable Catholic authors, among them St. Augustine, St. John Henry Newman, liturgical theologian Louis Boyer, and then Father Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Not surprisingly, his influence spread to others who joined the Catholic Church, in no small part guided by his calm and steady advice and example.

One former student said of him "only later did I see that his deep prayer and liturgical life created the lively man." His daughter, Gallaudet, added and expanded, "He was a marvelous father: he adored us for who we were, not who he thought we ought to be, and incarnated a kind of charitable hospitality of spirit toward us that made us always turn back toward him for refuge from the storms of life."

He was also a prolific author. Among his books was his account of his search for a deeper faith, which led in his case to Roman Catholicism -- "Evangelical is Not Enough."

Professor Howard is survived by his wife, Lovelace of Beverly, daughter Gallaudet, and son Charles. And, literally, generations of grateful students, valued co-workers, and countless friends.

At press time, funeral services were still pending for Professor Howard.