Could learning to 'die well' defeat the assisted suicide trend?Charlie Camosy
Stephen Doran, M.D., is a board-certified neurosurgeon with over 25 years of experience. He is also the author of "To Die Well: A Catholic Neurosurgeon's Guide to the End of Life," published this month ...
Fighting the language battle for prenatal justice Charles C. Camosy
(OSV News) -- One of the primary ways throwaway culture works -- especially in a consumer culture like ours, which tries to hide the equal dignity of those found to be too burdensome or otherwise inconvenient ...
What are pigs for?Charles C. Camosy
What are animals for? Our culture is deeply confused about this question. The answer seems to be determined primarily by two things: arbitrary cultural trends and how tasty we find their flesh. Consider ...
The pro-life movement must move beyond Donald Trump -- and we just got our game plan Charles C. Camosy
(RNS) -- Yes, the proper initial response to Dobbs -- at least for those of us who have been fighting for prenatal justice for so long -- was absolute euphoria. It was an incredible, improbable victory, ...