A forum of Catholic Thought

The ongoing prayer of a rosary gardenMargaret Rose Realy

The word rosary comes from the Latin word "rosarium," meaning "rose garden." In the mid-1500s, "rosaire" came to mean "a garden of prayers," from the medieval concept of compiling a collection of items, ...

In June, let your garden honor the hearts of Jesus and Mary Margaret Rose Realy

We enter into June, and Ordinary Time, with the sense of sharing the faith and expanding the church. The green of this liturgical season is symbolic of hope and new growth. Seedlings sprout -- those planted ...

'O Annabelle!': Hydrangeas are rich with contemplative cuesMargaret Rose Realy

The Annabelle hydrangea in my front yard is a stunner! It has grown there for more than 30 years, and when it blooms its 8-inch wide puffs of white flowers, it stops traffic with its gorgeous display. ...