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Propagation of the Faith

The Work of Your Hands in the Missions

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Maureen Crowley

Imagine if it were your hands that changed a life forever.

Imagine if there were people in ministry at this very moment because of you.

If you are a donor to The Society of St. Peter Apostle, helping to educate future priests and religious Sisters in the missions you don't have to imagine -- it is true.

For more than a century, The Society of St. Peter Apostle, "brother" Society to the Propagation of the Faith, has been the work of your hands as you make the Catholic ministry of local priests and religious in the missions possible in the most desperate places in the world.

Your generosity allows the hands of a local priest in Shimulia, Bangladesh -- Father Dominic Rozario -- to reach 45 children with food, education, and shelter at the Saint Anthony Mission Center. The Society of St. Peter Apostle helped fund his seminary training with a $750 annual scholarship. Father Dominic now spends his priestly years in outreach to migrant workers, who among the most vulnerable people in Bangladesh.

With support from the work of your hands, special needs students of Mbarara, Uganda turn to religious Sisters for vocational training. With minimal educational resources available, these children have little opportunity to be productive members of God's family. Sister Flora and others like her, with help from The Society of St. Peter the Apostle, said "YES!" to God's call. The Sisters provide a safe, nurturing environment for these students who learn to use machines that make knitted goods for local schools' uniforms.

Seminaries for future priests and formation houses for Sisters are vital places wherever they may be. In mission lands, however, they are essential for the future leadership of the Church and the spiritual care of the poor.

With your sacrifice, you provide a loving hand to our Church's houses of formation around the world. In some cases, you are providing running water and electricity -- the most basic of needs.

The Society of St. Peter the Apostle provides a $750 per year scholarship for each young man in mission seminaries. There are similar expenses for religious Brothers and Sisters. A donation of $60 provides a month's formation. Would you consider making such a gift -- a year's, a month's or a week's direct support?

Every gift from your hands to theirs make a difference and is prayerfully, gratefully received. To give online, go to www.propfaithboston.org.

- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.

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