A forum of Catholic Thought

Mary's messageBrett Robinson

Information hasn't always moved at the speed of light. Accustomed as we are to instant communication, it's hard to imagine that we once had to wait, sometimes for days, for messages to reach us. Before ...

The quest to be 'somebody' online forgets who we really are Brett Robinson

What does it really mean to be "somebody?" Is it like Marlon Brando's famous line in the film "On the Waterfront?" "I coulda' been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum." There is something ...

Technology for contemplationBrett Robinson

I can't say that I live in a smart home. For one thing, I'm not smart enough to figure out half of the gadgets that can answer my queries like some kind of maidservant savant while monitoring the freshness ...

New media environments change our sensibilities, even our religious ones Brett Robinson

A recent headline proclaimed, "Potential Senate candidate Kid Rock fires back at Eminem for his anti-President Trump rap." For someone who grew up in the 1990s, when unsavory rock/rap "artists" like Kid ...