
Flynn rolls public policy education campaign


Over 200 Catholic faithful turned out June 19 at St. John the Evangelist parish in Canton to hear former U.S. Ambassador Ray Flynn deliver an impassioned plea to lay Catholics to get involved in their Church and community once again.

"You are allowing others to speak for you in the civic arena. They may not share the same values that you do and they should not make the decisions that impact you and your family," said the former Boston mayor

With this event, Flynn launched a non-partisan public policy education campaign, aimed at helping the laity to answer the call of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops pastoral statement ‘Faithful Citizenship.

Flynn, working through a newly-formed, independent group called Catholic Citizenship, “will travel throughout the state to encourage Catholics to become more informed and actively involved in the civic life of their community and Church,” according to a recent statement issued by The Massachusetts Catholic Conference.

"Catholic politicians are walking away from traditional values and teachings which are fundamental to our Catholic faith, while Catholic voters sit by idly and say nothing," said Flynn. "I don't want to see the Catholic Church become more political, but I would like to encourage good lay Catholics to become more involved in the civic life of their community and country."

Mr. Flynn urged all in attendance to call their legislators and send a letter to the editor of newspapers letting them know their concerns. “Now, more than ever, the Catholic Church needs our strength and leadership. We must not let the Church down. We are in a battle for the soul of America and now is the time for our voices to be heard,” said Flynn.

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