
The Pontifical Mission Societies are four different membership-based associations that formulate the missionary arm of the Catholic Church. Each has its own charism. People are most familiar with our largest society -- The Propagation of the Faith. "The Prop" is responsible for the buildup of the local Church in over 1,100 mission territories spread across Asia, Africa, remote parts of Latin and South America, and those tiny island countries that dot the Pacific Ocean.
Sometimes, when I am speaking on behalf of the Propagation, someone will tell me that they support the missions because they give to one particular place. I thank them, sincerely. My question to them, then, is this -- who is taking care of the school (or church, or clinic) in the next mission village? The answer, of course, is we are. Without the umbrella of the Propagation of the Faith, missionaries would have no basic Church foundation into which they can insert themselves to do great work. So, as far as needing support goes, it's a both/and situation.
The Society of St. Peter Apostle gives yearly scholarships to seminarians and religious novices in the missions. Those men and women who answer God's call with a determined "YES!" have their path made easier by St. Peter Apostle. Notice I did not say clear. Believe it or not, because of aging facilities, lack of instructional materials, and a dearth of technological infrastructure, some are turned away. Does your local parish have a priest from an African country, India, Vietnam, or another mission country? He was not ordained without the yearly scholarships from St. Peter Apostle. A gift in his name would benefit the next generation!
Closest to my heart is the Missionary Childhood Association because it brought me into this ministry. It sustains missionaries who minister to children under the age of fourteen. The association is also responsible for the mission education of our own children, teaching them that they are called to mission even if they never leave their hometown. Their baptism gives them the responsibility to reach out to their peers around the world with prayer and sacrifices so that they, too, may come to know how much God loves them.
Finally, the Missionary Union is the soul of our Societies. Through the written word (like this article), educational materials for schools, appearances on CatholicTV, our new national podcast, called Frontiers of Faith, speaking at parish mission appeals, social media, and more, we encourage the faithful to open their hearts and pray for the missions and missionaries.
Which society is calling your name? Pray, and then join one as a recurring donor: propfaithboston.org.
- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.
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