A forum of Catholic Thought

Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional? Our pastor moved our confessional from a room with screen and kneeler to a family room that does not have a screen or kneeler. ...

What does 'Ordinary Time' mean in the church's calendar? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I once heard a priest talk about Ordinary Time and that it didn't mean "plain" or that other times were more important. Of course, I can't remember how he explained it. Can you explain some more? A: ...

Why does the Catholic Church oppose contraception?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: A Catholic doctor who has to prescribe birth control pills as part of his job does not agree with the church's teaching on contraception. He says the Bible does not talk about contraception. If contraception ...

Is my friend 'dead' in Christ due to her irregular marriage status? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: John 6:54 states the following: "Jesus said to them, 'Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.'" I just met a sister ...

What is church teaching on yoga and reiki?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Can you explain the church's teachings about yoga and reiki? Recently, a priest gave a presentation in which he said that, to avoid the devil, Catholics should also avoid things like palm readers and ...

Is logging Mass attendance for Catholic school discounts aligned with canon law? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Many Catholic schools in the archdiocese I am in are now adopting expectations to attend 75 percent of the year's Masses and holy days of obligation only at the school's parish to receive "active parishioner ...

Can voting for a politician in a particular political party be sinful?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: After the last presidential election, while in confession, I asked the priest this question and his response astounded me. He said voting for a Democrat was a mortal sin, their political stance on ...

Does an obligation to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday include those traveling outside the diocese? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I live in a diocese where the feast of the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday. This year, I was traveling for work on Ascension Thursday, and in the diocese where my conference was, Ascension was ...

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