A forum of Catholic Thought

Wisdom and richesScott Hahn

The rich young man in today's Gospel wants to know what we all want to know -- how to live in this life so that we might live forever in the world to come. He seeks what today's Psalm calls "wisdom ...

What God has joined Scott Hahn

In today's Gospel, the Pharisees try to trap Jesus with a trick question. The "lawfulness" of divorce in Israel was never an issue. Moses had long ago allowed it (see Deuteronomy 24:1-4). But Jesus ...

To belong to ChristScott Hahn

Today's Gospel begins with a scene that recalls a similar moment in the history of Israel, the episode recalled in today's First Reading. The 70 elders who receive God's Spirit through Moses ...

Servant of all Scott Hahn

In today's First Reading, it's like we have our ears pressed to the wall and can hear the murderous grumblings of the elders, chief priests, and scribes -- who last week Jesus predicted would ...

Following the MessiahScott Hahn

In today's Gospel, we reach a pivotal moment in our walk with the Lord. After weeks of listening to His words and witnessing His deeds, along with the disciples, we're asked to decide who Jesus ...

All things well Scott Hahn

The incident in today's Gospel is recorded only by Mark. The key line is what the crowd says at the end: "He has done all things well." In the Greek, this echoes the creation story, recalling that ...

Pure religionScott Hahn

Today's Gospel casts Jesus in a prophetic light as one having authority to interpret God's law. Jesus' quotation from Isaiah today is ironic (see Isaiah 29:13). In observing the law, the ...

A choice to make Scott Hahn

This Sunday's Mass readings conclude a four-week meditation on the Eucharist. The Twelve Apostles in today's Gospel are asked to make a choice -- either to believe and accept the New Covenant ...