St. Vincent de Paul supports Pregnancy Help

STOUGHTON -- For the past year or so, Pregnancy Help has enjoyed a collaborative relationship with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Boston.

There are 160 St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) conferences throughout the archdiocese. Their programs include assistance with food, rent, utilities, furniture, and other needs. These are ascertained through home visits, which they try to conduct within 48 hours of initial contact with a new client.

"What's so good about St. Vincent de Paul, I think, is we meet the needs of the local community," Council President Robert Smith said in a Dec. 28 interview.

SVdP has provided Pregnancy Help with storage space, which they can access 27/4. Vincentians also help to transport goods, such as "baby shower" donations, between the various conferences.

Pregnancy Help can also refer families to SVdP for help with various needs, such as housing or furniture. They can provide free items like cribs and pack-and-plays for the mothers' babies.

"If they're in need, they're in need," Smith said, adding, "We help everybody."

Christopher G. Trudeau, the CEO and executive director of the Boston council, explained that while Pregnancy Help can assist mothers and children at the start of life, SVdP can help with their long-term needs.

"It's a wonderful collaboration that we have going on," Trudeau said.

Information about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Boston is available at