Boston Catholic Directory
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Name AffiliationYear of OrdinationCity
Fiorillo, Patrick J. Boston 16 Stoneham
Fitzgerald, Richard W. Boston 87 Brighton
Flaherty, Richard C. OFM 82 Boston
Flammia, Paul G. Boston 96 Manchester by the Sea
Flannagan, Bruce G. Boston 78 Braintree
Flatley, Brian M. Boston 66 Boston
Fleming, Austin H. Boston 73 Wayland
Flor, Carlos F. Newark 97 Jamaica Plain
Flynn, Brian L. Boston 03 Lynn
Fohlin, Paul OCD 72 Boston
Foley, Thomas S. Boston 86 Braintree
Folgado Garcia, Jesus Ramon Spain 09 Braintree
Fonye, Lesley Keman Cameroon 15 Wellesley
Foster, Michael S. Boston 80 Braintree
Fraser, Gerald C. Boston 72 Boston
Fuller, Samuel OFM Cap 08 Boston
Furey, John CSSR 060 Boston
Furtado Garcia, Joaquim Cape Verde 12 Brockton
Gallagher, Dennis M. AA 78 Boston
Gallagher, Charles R. SJ 10 Newton
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